Thursday, January 29, 2009

Preparing to go back to Myanmar

Hope EFC pastor's family, David Tan, Tan Ching Meng and Rev. Dr. Chan Ah Kee- Malaysia EFC Chairman, my wife and I are planning to go back to Myanmar for a short period of time. As we plan, we are excited,buying things, packing books, looking luggages to bring,preparing messages to preach and lessons for two days training etc.
But on the other hand, our arrival day will also be a day mixing with sorrow and joy because my father in-law (Zovi's father) is no more. He passed away in our absent. Our programs include to visit the tomb.I pray that our presence and message will bring comfort for the family.
I will be preaching in Youth Conference on the topic of "WE ARE CHRIST'S AMBASSADORS"(2 Cor. 5: 20). And we will be joining Yangon EFC Conference for almost one week and then followed by two days trainings for pastors, mission workers and some church leaders.
I pray that our short trip to Myanmar will bring comfort to our bereaved family and encouragement to the pastors, mission workers, members of the church in their journeys of faith. I also pray that we will build a stronger relationship between two EFCMs.

Taxi drivers

In one of my previous posts, I mentioned my talks with Taxi drivers. The two taxi drivers who talk of Christians' behaviors and Christians' Scripture. I was speechless how to response them.
This time we hired a Taxi in the middle of the town to Terminal 1 in Seremban who blessed us saying "God bless you" and we came back and hired another Taxi driver from Terminal 1 Seremban to Seminari Theoloji Malaysia who blessed us again saying “God bless you.”
I am speechless, how to response. Being a pastor who received blessings from taxi drivers before I bless them.