Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Neglected Christians

I happened to talk with one the elders of Chin Christian Fellowship in Kuala Lumpur. He mentioned that people are ashamed to invite pastors when they don’t have money to offer. Giving offerings to the pastors have been turned into a kind of custom. The pastors also expect to get some thing when invited. So what happen to the poor who don’t have money to give offerings? Are they forgotten? Are they neglected? How do they conduct their marriages? How about in their sicknesses and in their troubles? The questions remain unanswered.

I have been visiting un-church Christians for two years and have been seeing the plight of people. I really have a heart to help these people. There are some who don’t have just rice to eat. Sleeping, eating, bathing places are horrible. Their rooms are over crowded. Some of them have to work even on Sunday and have no time to go to the church. Some of them are cheated by the employers. Because of these situations their spiritual lives have been withered. They have no mood to read the Bible and go to the churches. Where are the Christians claiming to be light and salt to the earth? They just need some one beside them in their difficulties, hardships, bereavements, and so on…..

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