Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Mizo Gospel Concert in Malaysia

I was just wondering to see a lady photo at the front page of Mizo Christian Fellowship News (MCF-Palai). Why lady's photo? But later I learned that she is a gospel singer coming to Malaysia.

Mizo Christian Fellowship is looking forward to conduct Mizo Gospel Concert in the coming March 11-13, 2008. Mizoram, India best Gospel singers are invited for this concert but some of them could not make their time. Vanlalsailova, Rebecca Saimawii accompanied by her husband, Mami Varte accompanied by her mother and Margret Malsawmzuali and one representative from Lelte News and the team will be led by Mr. C. Dina. MCF is praying that the church will experience the touch of God and be filled by the Holy Spirit but not by wine.

But I will not be able to attend the concert since I have special classes conducted by Dr Peter O’Brien on "Justification in Paul's Epistle". Dr. Lim Kar Yong my Supervisor says, "This course will explore the development and presentation of the theme of justification in the letters written by the Apostle Paul. In view of recent scholastic studies that offer a “fresh interpretation” of the doctrine of justification, this course will be a timely reminder of the biblical view of how God justifies us while we were still enemies with him".

I hope and pray that I will learn alot and make use of this opportunity to catch from this scholar even as I will have to sacrifice Mizo Gospel Concert.

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